Exploring the far reaches of the World Wide Web is indeed an adventure. I've explored a lot of marvelous places and bookmarked many of them so I can return to enjoy them again. Later I will get these organized, but for now, here are just a few places, if you care to explore with me...

Carlene Raper's Quilts

The Butterfly Web Site

The Random Thoughts of Louis Schmier

Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum

Hydra (fractals)

The Fractal Art Parade

the place

Internet Card Central

Aouali's Send An Art © 1997.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (and some modern ones too)

Haiku Gardens

Dutchman Designs Tessellation designs, more

The Barbie Chronicles - Barbie's History of Art

There's more stuff is still waiting to be carried up to the attic.

Please come back. (11/19/97)