Welcome to my quilt studio.
I'm working on a set of Journal Quilts for the IQA show in Houston this fall. We are not supposed to display them ahead of time, but I can show you three of them unfinished. The quilting you see below is based solely on the images in the applique and batik background on the front of the quilt. The free machine embroidery on the piece at right is also based on the imagery in the fragment of commercial batik fabric chosen for that month's quilt.
It has been a most interesting experience and one for which I am profoundly grateful!
View the Journal Quilts...
Quilt University
Quilt classes on line! Quilt University offers more than a hundred quilt related classes classes, taught by some well known teachers from all over the world. Check us out as we start our third year!
These are the classes I am teaching and I have several more in preparation. If the class you are interested is over or registration closed, send a note letting us know what you are interested in.
Creative Color: New class starting in July and repeated in October, 2002.
This class focus on intuitive use of color. You know more than you think you do! .
Elegant Angel: New class starting in July and repeated in November, 2002.
  The name says it all for this little foundation paper pieced wall hanging. . |
A-MAZE-ingly Easy: Class completed.
Explore the fascinating world of mazes and make your own maze as a child's play quilt or a boldly graphic wall hanging. CLOSED--to be repeated later.
Ozark Garden: New class opens in October, 2002.
Patterns from the award winning "My Ozark Garden" quilt which I designed for the Ozark Piecemakers Quilt Guild are available exclusively at Quilt University in this class. Learn a "goof-proof" approach to foundation paper piecing as you follow these step by step instructions. They start with very easy patterns and guide you on to moderately complex ones. Check the student work in the Quilt U Gallery.
String of Beads: CLOSED--to be repeated later.
Learn a variety design and shaping techniques to create your own quilt or wall hanging design. These are also great for vertical accents on wearables. |
Designing with Coreldraw: Repeats in November, 2002.
Learn to use CorelDraw. The class focuses on features most useful for quilt design. |
Playing with Lines
Playing with Shapes
15 Lines and a Squiggle
These three creative design classes for beginners or experienced quilters will be repeated in September, October and November, 2002. |
More Quilt Stuff
EQ Stuff
Butterfly designed in EQ4's Country Set
Bargello lesson for EQ4.
For EQ4 users and others--Making Images That Tile with Windows Paint
Improving Fabric Scans
EQ5 is now available. This is one of my first experiments using the new Layout Library.
"Skewed Fan"
Basic Color Theory for Quilters
"My Ozark Garden"
Second Place Award, Group Quilts category,
International Quilt Festival, Houston 1999
Please come back. (7/28/2002)